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A. Television (Script/ Specs):

Modern Family Spec Script * Comedy* 32 Pages

Gloria wants to renegotiate her compensation with Phil. She struggles to approach him while he undermines her efforts. Meanwhile, Lily suggests going on a family camping trip. Mitchell and Cameron argue about the dangers and discomforts of the outdoors, they get carried away purchasing camping supplies. All while, the Dunphy's are given a notice from the annoying President of the HOA to maintain the yard within 48 hours or they will be fined.

B. Short Film

Short Film Script * Adventure/ Suspense * 7 Pages

Jacob, a young man coming of age in the 1930s, has a choice to join a beautiful woman and travel the world or take his father's advice in joining the military. The decision he makes forever alters his life. Based on the short story, Unexpected Love

Short Film Script * Horror * 15 Pages

After his children have been lured by ghosts into the avocado fields, a traumatized ex-cop must find his family before the witching house or they are lost to the fields forever.

C. Animation 

Animated Television Script * Adventure/ Kids * 10 Pages

Lucie a 6-year-old has a tough home life. When a woman from another dimension comes to visit her, she is gifted a pocket watch that allows her to travel through time. With this tool, she explores history to better understand her future. 

D. Web Series

Web Series Script * Coming of Age * 6 Pages

Drew, a distressed artist meets Jasmine an unexpected friend. As they collaborate together they express deep-rooted emotions. 

Web Series Script * Science Fiction * 7 Pages

Arwen, the girl next door, helps her best friend, Pearl, throw a party. When she meets Dante she quickly falls for his handsome features and introverted personality. When she tries to help him from alcohol posing she comes to realize he isn't as human as he seems. 

Original concept created by Alaina Richardson. Natascha Pearson acted as director for this collaborated piece.

Web Series Script * Science Fiction * 6 Pages

Dante and Arwen escape the busted party in Lincoln's car. Dante realizes that he has drained Arwen of too much blood and the only way to save her is to turn her into a vampire.

Written by Natascha Pearson. 

ii. Fiction

A. Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction * Spy/ Action * 777 Words

A story of Cold War espionage, Ruth and Francis travels throughout the United States and collect information on the cyclotron used for atomic bombs. As the FBI closes in on their location it is up to Ruth and Francis to escape their capture.

Flash Fiction * Romance * 751 Words

Jacob's father has sternly requested he joins the Air Force, while his elderly grandma can't help but fantasize about her grandchildren. Torn between duty and finding love Jacob escapes to the beach where he meets Mika, a traveler. Smitten by Mika, he must take a chance or follow the path his father has paved. 

B. Short Stories

Short Story * Horror * 1000 Words

Dela lives in Whitby, England, and is everything but normal. While battling schizophrenia she is faced with finding her place in the Roman Catholic religion and Celtic Paganism which is deep-rooted in her history. When her fiance leaves to work on a whaling boat her morals and imagination take over. 

Flash Fiction * Mystery * 3,226 Words

Logan and Dalia go camping in the forest in Ohio. When Natalie goes missing, Jacob goes through a series of possible reasons for Natalie's disappearance. Following her footprints, he notices wolf prints in a bipedal arrangement. Jacob must decide if he wants to follow Natalie deeper into the woods or turn around and save himself. 


A. Novellas

Video Game Pitch Document * Action/ Adventure * R Rated

The Fool's Journey is an RPG action/ adventure video game based on the tarot deck that tests the player's decision-making and life skills. The player uses combat combinations, makes decisions based on esoteric knowledge, and adaptive reasoning. The choices the player makes determines the character's fate.

B. Completed Games

Video Game * Action/ Adventure * PG-13

Hello Galactic Traveler! 

You have been abducted by the dwits! These gnome-like creatures flew on their flying saucer to Earth and have brought you back to Planet Fugos. They claim that you have the heart of the wolf and only you would use your Gruied powers to save Planet Fugos from the lampia, an invasive spice. 

iv. Comics

A. Comics

Comic Script * Comedy * 1,640 Words

Grambly is ready to make the biggest cocaine sale of his life and he envisions a future on a far off island with Jasmine. When he curses a hooded ice skater for skating after hours she flips him a silver dollar which in turn curses Grambly into switching bodies with Holly. As Grambly and Holly adjust to their new bodies they dramatically impact each other's lives, while Holly makes Grambly a saint, Grambly turns Holly into an outspoken woman. Once Grambly and Holly have come to terms with what the other has done with the life they once lived, they return to their original bodies and wake up more conscious people. 

Science Fiction

This comic is an example of my comic lettering skills. 

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